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Developments: NGOs working intensively to further adult education in Serbia

According to EAEA’s member League 33, the situation of adult learning and education (ALE) in Serbia has stayed the same. 

The efforts of NGOs working on adult education are intensive and, according to the Annual Plan for Adult Education of the Republic of Serbia, participation in adult education should increase until 2025. However, no data is yet available to support this.

Last year, League 33 engaged in advocacy to promote cooperation between government agencies and civil society organisations in the decision-making process

Financing of adult education

ALE in Serbia is mainly financed through project funding, programme funding, fees and donations. According to League 33 the funding situation of ALE in Serbia has slightly deteriorated. However, League 33 have planned advocacy activities to increase funding and attract external donors. 

Learner voice

In Serbia, the legislation does not currently require the adult learner voice to be included in decision-making processes. Moreover, adult learners currently do not have any representing body or possibility to have a voice in national/regional ALE policy-making.


According to League 33, civil society in Serbia was not actively trying to get involved in CONFINTEA VII and the process leading up to the conference. They agree that the Marrakech Framework for Action (MFA), the outcome of CONFINTEA VII, would be a concrete tool to develop ALE policies, but they don’t believe it will be a key document in Serbia. Reforms at all levels would be necessary to implement the MFA in Serbia, including substantial increase in funding. 


In Serbia, The Sustainable Development Goals have not yet been implemented in the ALE sector. However, League 33 would like to develop a sustainability strategy in accordance with EU laws and standards.